Bokeh, Bowkah or Bowkay? Whether it was overheard during a conversation with another photographer or during an instructive how-to session video, this often French-sounding word is mostly mispronounced and comes from the Japanese word for "haze" or "blur". It became popular in 1997 with the spelling being changed to "Boke(h)" from "Boke" to reflect the pronunciation which should sound like "po" from "(po)cket" and "ke" as in the beginning of "(ke)ttle".
LUMIX and The art of Full-Frame
It all began with our desire to share our experiences and stories with others. To share the human experience has never lost its importance to us. If history has taught us one great lesson, it is that clarity and being understood has only become more important. From painting on great cave walls to the chiselling and carving of faces in stone and wood, we as humans have always struggled to capture and share what we see and feel in ways that best represent the feeling and nuances of any particular moment.